AMAS is committed to combating greenwashing

The Asset Management Association Switzerland is committed to creating measures against greenwashing. Its new position paper, shows how Switzerland's claim to leadership in sustainable finance can be realized.

AMAS would like to establish Switzerland as the leading asset management hub for sustainable finance. In its new position paper "Sustainable Asset Management without Greenwashing: How to make Switzerland's leadership claim redeemable, the association shows which measures and developments are considered necessary in order to successfully implement the Swiss financial center strategy.

Greenwashing undermines credibility

AMAS' position is that greenwashing undermines the credibility of the Swiss financial center in terms of sustainability and climate protection credentials. "Greenwashing is incompatible with our claim to leadership in Sustainable Asset Management," says AMAS Managing Director Adrian Schatzmann. "That's why we've set ourselves the goal of helping to ensure the integrity of the Swiss financial center through commitment and action."

Self-regulation to combat greenwashing

To achieve its goal, AMAS is currently drafting a binding self-regulation for sustainable asset management, which focuses on combating greenwashing as well as climate protection.

AMAS is also formulating implementation proposals for the Swiss asset management industry and the financial center in order to stand out in international competition in the field of sustainable finance through quality. These include joining "net zero alliances", establishing ESG governance at the corporate level, and the exercise of active ownership by asset

Policymakers must create framework conditions

AMAS is convinced that a successful sustainability strategy for the Swiss financial center requires the development and establishment of appropriate framework conditions by national and international policymakers. Among other things, AMAS cites an effective CO2 law and the establishment of ESG reporting for Swiss companies as fundamental prerequisites in Switzerland. "The AMAS position paper is intended to contribute to a positive and constructive dialogue with the financial industry as well as with politicians and the public," says Iwan Deplazes, Chairman of AMAS. The aim is to promote a strong, integrity and sustainable Swiss financial center and to make a substantial contribution to the achievement of global climate goals, as well as to help shape the transition to a CO2-free global economy.