LibertyGreen sponsors ski crew of the mountain railways "Obersaxen Mundaun"

The ski crew of the mountain railways "Obersaxen Mundaun" required new work wear urgently. LibertyGreen gladly stepped in, using this opportunity for another exciting sponsorship in the sports sector. The crew thanks us for our support!

Under the motto "Together we are strong!", Dr. Simon Osterwalder, the President of Surselva Tourism AG, approached us six months ago with a request to support the ski crew of the mountain railways "Obersaxen Mundaun" with our new brand 'LibertyGreen' and to partially equip them with new professional ski suits. We happily accepted, using this opportunity for another exciting sponsorship in the area of sports. With such a sponsorships, we would like to support the area of sports in general and offer active athletes an attractive and sustainable way to provide for their life after their active sports career.

Together we are strong: In sports or in business, we have learned that there is often no alternative but to join forces and pull together! The new professional ski suits with the elegantly embroidered logos are fabricated in the factory owned by Marc Girardelli, a former, very successful alpine ski racer (5x overall world cup, 4x world champion, 100 podium places). This sends a strong signal of support to the community.

Together into the future: especially during such difficult times as today, the great commitment shown by compensation holders, employees and sponsors demonstrates that it takes a lot of energy, optimism and perseverance to implement such a project in a short time period, so we can look positively into the future together. We wish all employees of the mountain railways "Obersaxen Mundaun" much joy with their new warm gear.