Four Swiss companies were honored at the Fairtrade Global Awards

In October 2023, the first Fairtrade Global Awards ceremony took place in Kenya. Four Swiss partners of Fairtrade Max Havelaar were recognized for their innovative approaches to promoting social justice and sustainability in trade.

On October 4, 2023, the first Fairtrade Global Awards ceremony took place in Kenya. Fairtrade Max Havelaar honored international Fairtrade partners for their outstanding commitment. Of five nominated Swiss Fairtrade Partners, four were honored on this occasion. Coop («Partner of the Year»), Delica AG («Caribbean & Latin America»), Nespresso («Innovation») and HPW Fresh & Dry Ltd. Ghana («Climate Leader») each received silver in their categories.

Fair trade needs good partners

As Simon Aebi, Head of Commercial at Fairtrade Max Havelaar, emphasizes, fair trade needs partners: «We can only advance fair trade together with our partners. We are therefore extremely pleased that the jury has honored no less than four of our Swiss Fairtrade partners for their extraordinary commitment to fair trade.»

The jury, consisting of independent experts and Fairtrade producers from around the world, evaluated the nominees' commitment and specific projects in a total of eight categories. These have a particularly positive impact on social justice and sustainability.

Fairtrade Business Summit targets producers and businesses

The awards were presented as part of the Fairtrade Business Summit. The Summit is a three-day summit that focuses on global collaboration between Fairtrade-certified smallholders and businesses. It provides a valuable opportunity for producers and businesses to work together on the ground to discuss the challenges and future of fair trade through field trips, keynotes and panel discussions.